

The company manages the various holding companies and financial-industrial groups engaged in manufacturing, construction, architectural, and planning activities. Among them are: Peshelansky gypsum plant, plant Gzhel art painting and others.
Phone: +7 (495) 641-38-68

LLC "ProLab-Center"

The company was founded by Kodak in 1997 and developed in parallel with the growth of interest in photographic art in Russia. Today, we have everything to fulfill any photo project with uncompromising quality.
Phone: +7 (495) 795-07-93

Children's recreation camp (DALE) "Cranes"

The camp provides all the necessary conditions for full recreation for children: fresh air, many sports, entertainment, healthy and tasty food.

Stone-cutting factory "Bornukovskaya Cave"

The company makes simple and exclusive sculptures of animals, birds and a variety of everyday objects: graceful vases, candlesticks, writing sets and boxes. The factory preserves the best traditions of stone carving art. You can visit the museum and exhibition hall with individual and group workshops of stone carving also on offer. There are organized excursions to Bornukovskaya cave.
Phone: 8 (83147) 55-2-81

LLC "Kompaunt"

The plant produces microcorrugated, gofro-, cardboard and paper containers of various configurations, complexity and size, as well as the design and printing of the packaging.
Phone: +7 (499) 553-84-08

LLC "Boiling key"

This is a village-style complex located in the Nizhny Novgorod region (near Arzamas). All necessary conditions for high-grade family and corporate recreation are provided: beautiful nature, fresh air, friendly staff and delicious food.
Phone: +7 (83190) 4-20-30

LLC "Plant Gzhel art painting"

The company provides a variety of highly manual production of porcelain in the classical traditions of Gzhelian handicrafts. The range of plant products expands annually and includes coffee, tea, dinner sets, tableware, tiles for decorating fireplaces, sculptures and more.
Phone: +7 (499) 553-84-09

LLC "Peshelanesky gypsum plant"

The company is engaged in the manufacture of building materials from environmentally friendly and absolutely safe natural materials such as wood and plaster.
Phone: +7 (800) 555-64-46
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